Two animation television spots, produced by Save the Children, Sweden, and which will soon hit local television channels, will help South Lebanon's children stay away of millions of unexploded ordnances dropped by Israel. Children between the ages of 13 and 18 constitute the majority of dead and wounded. Six children have been killed and 68 injured since the end of last summer's war, according to the national demining office.
"Children are the most at risk of death or injury from unexploded cluster bombs because they are more curious and less caution than adults, that is why it is important for us to constantly remind children and their parents of this danger," said Mazen Haber, who is managing the Early Recovery Program at Save the Children Sweden, in a press release.
The two 40-second cartoon spots will be broadcast 100 times for weeks beginning on the 22nd of July on Spacetoon Kids and Lebanese channels. The campaign against explosive remnants of the war will also include 100 billboards to be posted around Lebanon.
The campaign was funded by the Canadian International Development Agency through Save the Children Canada in collaboration with the Lebanese demining office, the Landmine Resource Center at Balamand University and Spacetoon channel.
Israel dropped more than a million cluster bomb over Lebanon during the last 72 hours of the war, according to the UN and Lebanese officials. Most of these bombs are attractively shaped and brightly colored like toys, Save the Children Sweden said.
Source : The Daily Star